Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trial & Error Part III

Here is a popular question or series of questions I've been asked lately by a lot of my FB friends and people around town "So Cap I've been wanting to shed some pounds and currently I weight so n so, I work out so n so and eat so n so , How can I lose X amount ? Or How can I gain X amount? and How can I loose my mid section? Now before I start to lay out all the secrets I found that suited my own body, let me let you in on a secret most people are not aware of when it comes to grocery shopping.
Did you know that the grocery store is designed  in such a unique fashion , that you can either stir up a recipe for metabolic disaster or scientifically master the domain of your ideal body? Lets close are eyes and imagine are neighborhood grocery store. What do you see when you first walk in ? ( imagine you are looking straight ahead of you) There are the cashiers and behind them there are isles. Right?Whats typically found in those isles? Lets see:  you've got:
Bread, sugar, cookies, cakes, candies, canned foods, boxed foods, 10% juices , basically you've got the PROCESSED FOODS! All in which raises cholesterol, insulin levels, and are a sure bet that you might have one of those bag or box of cookies late at night as you stare at some infomercial about the latest fitness pill or machine that will promise you that and promise you this. And that cookie your shoveling down your throat will melt away the minute you jump on this fascinating machine or swallow this new and improved wonder pill. Wouldn't that be GRAND ! Well TOO BAD it doesn't exsist my friends, there is no magic food or special machine that will help become the next Bionic Women or MAN ( as my father tends to call me lol ) Ok , back to our "vision" now close your eyes again this time look to right then look to your left , what do you see ? hmmm
I see
Fruits, Vegetables, meats, dairy (yogurts like Greek (high protein ) keifer (great source of good bacteria for that tummy of ours to work more efficiently and healthy enzymes ( don't worry all those fun words we will discuss in another chapter), eggs, herbs (for seasoning ) lemons, limes (easy way to add a toxin eliminator to your diet ! ) starchy and complex potatoes (yams & boniatos) and nuts! ( we all know or should know by now the wonderful benefits of nuts in our diet ! The bottom line is most of all the foods that are natural and close to unharmed by hormones and additives are on the wall of our grocery store. The secret is we should be shopping from the OUTSIDE IN... We start around and throw in all the good healthy, leafy sources of nutrients to our cart and once you've had an adequate amount of fruits and veggies and proteins, we go down the middle isles for things like brown rice, fibrous beans (try not canned, if no time permits and you cannot cook your beans opt for lower sodium canned bean) canned meats like tuna or chicken and our house hold items. This the first step to a healthier leaner you. Once you've mastered how to choose your food then you can worry about quantity and variety.
The point here is to become a wiser shopper and not to trouble your mind with so many avenues, you must be patientdisciplined, and determined once again. My next blog will get more indept with managing your diet ( or way of life , as I like to see it ) were I will show you my various approach to how I began my WAY OF LIFE! Hope this helped and you enjoyed ... Keeping it REAL!